A Comparative Study of Principles of Lie and Mispointing Information for Secrecy and the Rules Resulting from the Both with Focus on Imam Khomeini’s Viewpoint

Document Type : Research (Normal Review)




Criticizing the theories on the criteria for lie and truth, many jurists have stated the reality of Tawriyah (mispointing information for secrecy), which have become the reason for the disagreements and the issuance of different rules for Tawriyah. To state the reality of Tawriyah, it might be said that it roots in the proposed viewpoints in the reality of waz’ (attributing a sense to a meaning), the reality of indication, and the relationship of Tawriyahto the emergence and intent. In the middle, the existing contradiction between some traditions to the ones which consider Tawriyahto be false and the standpoint believing in Tawriyahto be conventionally false furthers the challenges among the available rules and viewpoints. The contrastive analysis of this issue has broaden the scope of disagreements as well. Focusing on Imam Khomeini’s viewpoints which have criticized many standpoints, the researchers are to analyze this idea comparatively and to state the ordinance for Tawriyah.
