The Nature of Illnesses Leading to Death from Imamiyeh Jurisprudence Perspective

Document Type : Research (Normal Review)




In Islamic sect’s jurisprudence, the people whose illnesses may lead to their death would enjoy shaky capacity and their contributive appropriations and marriage and divorce make them distinctive from others. Imamiyeh Jurisprudents’ disagree with each other with respect to this issue, and based on the meaning they get from some traditions and their reasoning, they have proposed different opinions and points. With respect to the proposed points and indices, the most challenging issue is whether the illness is a fatal one or not fatal enough. Some of these jurisprudents believe that an illness is deemed to be leading to death while it is considered to be among the fatal and dangerous ones. Believing that such a condition is not mandatory, some other jurisprudents contend that any kind of illness leading to death or may be the reason to death is categorized under the illnesses leading to death, may it be fatal or not. Other reasons for an illness to be named fatal are being too much dangerous, an illness which leads to death less than one year, and if the illness is called an illness by the common. These reasons are among the ones the jurisprudents consider for the ones leading to death. The method of this research is a fundamental study method and data collection using library references.     
